Youtube: Jaimie Builds
Youtube: Jaimie Talks
Instagram: Jaimie's Pics
Facebook: Jaimie's Page


"Support J-me" Page
Thanks to everyone!
(Some stuff to buy, too)
Hi!  I'm Jaimie.  I live on a little Island in the Caribbean.
This website is all about my adventures, and lessons I've learned
and how I came to be where I am now.
I hope someone finds it useful.
If you're wondering who I am...
I made a movie!
Hopefully entertaining, and well, one 
of my "fans" said , "This is the best movie I've ever seen!"
Seriously.... actual quote.

Personally, I think the Adventure Builder's Club is the most important thing I do.



OK, Jaimie.  Add all kinds of stuff About your Island adventures here!  First, though, lets see if we can acctually upload this monstrosity.


Video Games I've made!


Everything Below here is from aaaaages ago.
I used to live in Vermont, USA where... well, look below...
I'm leaving this section pretty much as it is.
The Giant Robot Project!  (Click to go to Robot Page)
Yep, I'm building a Giant Robot. (Correction... I BUILT a giant Robot
...thinking about #2 now)
Here's a couple articles about it/me too!  :-)
Interview: Giant Robot Builder Jaimie Mantzel
Jaimie Mantzel Giant Robot Project
Jaimie in the News! Some old stuff about me on the local news and in the paper.  Ha.  Remember Newspapers???
Mad Scientist Infrastructure (In order to build the giant robot, must build a workshop, so need a service road! ...dug by hand thorugh the mountains!)
Operation: Crazy Operation.  (building a rediculously huge almost completely recycled workshop on a mountain with only foot access)

1. Jaimie's Creations
    see my machines

2.  Jaimie's art (Drawings and books)
    see my art

3.  Me If you really need to see me...

4.  Adventures in the life of Jaimie

5.  Jaimie's animations
in full J-ME-mation

6.  J's Blacksmithing
I love to make stuff

7.  Jaimie's injuries

8.  Jaimie's life story...

really, anything you'd ever wanna know about Jaimie's life... and more.


Hi, my parentally given name is Jaimie.  I grew up in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where I attended Westmount Secondary School.  Then I went to the US to go to College at Brown University (not an awsome place) where I proceeded to rack up more debt than you can shake a stick at because I ended up paying for it all myself, and if I didn't already know it well enough, my kids are definitely not going to have to pay their own way through school!  Enough of that though.  Oh, and I finished paying off my school loan, so its ok now.

Whadaya think my page needs, e-mail me at:

Oh, and if you have any cool life storiesor adventures or artwork, or whatever that you think people should know about, or it would just be cool to have on a website, send 'em to me.  Oh, and make sure you tell me who to say did it.  Like I wouldn't wanna put your name beside it if you meant it to be anonamous or something and get you in trouble.  heh heh.  Cool, if anyone sends me something, I'll start a new section.
Check it!  here's the new section.  :-)


Yep..... nothing else down here.
Just some space....  Woo, if you keep scrolling down, there's more!

Right here.

This is a test.  Ignore it.  ...if you can!